New book cover in the making... available soon for upcoming American Bazaar
Applied Design class. Top: Student jotting down keyword for Art Movement Bottom: Ahh Dou work...:) |
Another great session I had today, and the class progress pretty well. I am excited for more session to come.
Kak Syam
American Bazaar kat mana?
Cantek cover..
Beautiful covers !!!
Kindly keep me inform on your silk screen class ....:)
Hi Yuzz,
American Bazaar at Hotel Royel Chulan, Jalan Conlay, 10am-2pm 9th November.
Thanks..Have those cover before, I just improvise:)
Hi Lay Hoon,
My silkscreen workshop are very a stencil..for kids, using sticker or transparent.
For pro one, a bit difficult to do it because need a proper dark room and water pump. Let me ask the school, where I am teaching now, if they can offer a workshop..because too many peoples asking me already....
I get my friend that do tshirt to do my mould.. I try not to deal with the chemical that might not very suitable for home. I just apply colour...only:)
Will let you know once I talk to the school ya..
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