Monday, May 30, 2011

happy monday:)

Hello all, how was your weekends? I had a good time involved in Hari Belia 2011 at Putra Jaya. It's been such a long 3 days to me... kind of flat and I am hoping to lay down all day long to recover. It was a nice experience with lots of crowds, a very good exposure to me. Thanks to whoever that came, giving me continuos support. You know who you are...mmmuaahhh:)

In between Lorong Seni there are a stage where live performance are all day long to night..and I have been fed with various types of music, from Jazz to Rock by many talented independent artist that I never realise of their existance before. The music still lingering in my head till now...

Many peoples have make an enquiry on my upcoming book binding workshop. I have add on additional info on the venue detail.

I am not a poet and not an expressive type of person but I dedicate this poem to one Uncle that helped me three night ago.

Terlalu banyaknya kejadian berlaku kebelakangan ini, 
hingga kerap aku mempersoalkan, apakah kebaikan yang telah aku lakukan?

Kau datang menghulurkan bantuan waktu tengah malam
sedikit ganjil tetapi aku tidak merasakan kejanggalan
Uncle Cina mengutip sampah, memakai seluar pendek compang camping
penuh keikhlasan...menolong menyumbat barang...

setelah kerja kau lakukan, kau mengangkat tangan
tidak mengharap duit upah belas ehsan..
hati tersentuh, dalam kesusahanmu aku cemburu kerna riak gembira di muka mu tiada tandingan.
Hanya domino piza sejuk makan malam dapat aku hulurkan

terima kasih Pakcik... 
Kau adalah antara bidadari
yang sentiasa membantuku
yang memudahkan urusanku

I supposed you just need to believe in one:) //syam

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